What is RBMH?
Everyone knows that 2020 took its toll on this industry, however Michael and Rebecca imagined a new way of working and set to making it real.
RBMH is an event design company with limitless creativity. We provide our client's with the ability to be involved in the design process and together, we can find new ways to elevate your party into an event.
RBMH is able to help their clients in every way possible and this is certainly not limited to grand, full service events with extensive budgets. They apply focus and time to every project and excel in delivering a service, whether that service is designing, planning, event delivery, freelance event management, catering or production. The objective is to be the answer to a clients every need.
Their artistic backgrounds and over 30 years collective experience in the industry have taught them that it’s not as simple as being a one trick pony, to not limit yourself to being a party planner OR a caterer. These aspects should co-exist and that has always been their methodology.
“An event can be as simple as delivering a perfect experience box of outstanding produce or it can be planning an entire event from the ground upwards. Simply get in touch, talk to us, tell us what you’re thinking and let us create something really special.”

Who we are:
Both Michael and Rebecca come from art and design backgrounds having met shortly into the second year of their respective London universities. After graduating, Michael entered the events industry almost immediately with Rebecca joining him in 2013.
Their shared love of being able to develop and deliver unique experiences allows them to consider each clients wishes individually, creating unique themes and ideas and executing events that go above and beyond both client and guest expectation.
With a business model that allows clients to benefit from low overheads but an address book filled with talented and trusted suppliers they can ensure an event of any size is delivered to the highest standards with both Michael and Rebecca fully involved in every stage of the process from conception to completion.